Future Ready School Community Programme
JuruSchool is an education community project that aims to enable Malaysian schools to become future ready by accelerating digital adoption to meet the challenges of tomorrow’s learning environments.
The project started as an initiative to prepare schools towards successful recovery by mitigating the impacts of Covid-19 and the potential devastating consequences of future crises with the inclusion of technology in education.
JuruSchool is now a flagship project under the formation of the Juru Foundation to continuously provide the necessary resources, expertise, and support for the educational community in addressing their immediate needs.
Tutorial Videos
Get Your JuruSchool Mobile App Now!
Preorder Food with JuruSchool App (1st Time)
Preorder Food with JuruSchool App (2nd Time)
Tutorial PDF

How to Use Your JuruSchool Mobile App
What should I do if I did not receive OTP from the JuruSchool mobile app?
如果我在JuruSchool手机端无法收到一次性密码, 我该怎么办?
You must ensure that your mobile device is able to receive text message. If yes, quit the mobile app and retry.
What should I do if I did not see my child's information in the JuruSchool mobile app?
如果我在JuruSchoo机端无法看到孩子的资料, 我该怎么办?
You can contact your child's school to update the information for you. After the update, kindly quit the mobile app and login again.
What should I do if my child's information is incorrect?
如果我孩子的资料不正确, 我该怎么办?
You can contact your child's school to update the information for you. After the update, kindly refresh the mobile app.
What should I do if I have changed my mobile number?
如果我已经更换了我的手机号码, 我该怎么办?
You can contact your child's school to update the information for you. After the update, kindly quit the mobile app and login again.
What should I do if the JuruSchool mobile app is not responding?
You can quit the mobile app and retry. If the issue persists, kill the app to run in the background and re-launch the app again.
您可以关闭手机端,然后再尝试。如果这个情况持续,把 在后台的手机端杀死,然后再重新启动手机端。
What would happen to my JuruSchool account after my child's graduation?
如果我的孩子都已经毕业了, 我的JuruSchool账户该怎么办?
You will not be able to view your child in JuruSchool mobile app anymore. However, if there is e-wallet balance in your JuruSchool account, the balance will be transferred to JuruPay mobile app automatically. You may download and install JuruPay mobile app from Google Play Store or App Store, then login to JuruPay using your JuruSchool account.
您将不会在JuruSchool手机端中看到您孩子的资料。若您的JuruSchool账户中还有余额,您的余额将会自动转入JuruPay手机端中。您可到Google Play Store或App Store下载并安装JuruPay手机端,然后再使用JuruSchool账户来登录。
What should I do to close my JuruSchool account?
如果我想关闭JuruSchool的账户, 我该怎么办?
You can fill up JuruSchool enquiry form to apply for account closure.
您可填写 JuruSchool 咨询表格 以申请账户关闭。